Our Acting Training
Sharpen your skills.
Be the best actor
you can be.

"The truth of ourselves is the root of our acting"
Sanford Meisner
There is no such thing as a 'quick fix' to the craft of acting. No matter which approach you choose, to become a believable actor takes work, effort and dedication. This is never more true than when studying the Meisner Technique. Our Meisner programme will take you, step-by-step, through a progressive series of exercises, performance activities and scene study designed to provide a practical introduction to Sanford Meisner's approach to actor training. No prior acting experience or training is required. Everyone, including experienced actors, and non-actors alike, start at the beginning.
Classes are run in a workshop environment that is designed to be challenging & invigorating, but at the same time, non-competitive and fun. Everyone taking this course is part of a learning community that is supportive of each other. Learning, observing and sharing is central to our training.
Module 1 - Foundation Level: REPETITION
Modules 1 & 2 run for 8 weeks, each made up of one three-hour session per week and additional Zoom sessions as required. Introducing the Sanford Meisner Acting Technique starts with Sanford Meisner's flagship exercise, REPETITION. The repetition exercise is the first step in bringing the actor towards being able to truly listen, have their attention off themselves, out of their head and onto their instinctive impulses with the capacity to respond personally and truthfully in every moment.
Module 2 - Intermediate Level: ACTIVITIES
Taking the Repetition exercise to the next level. Introducing APPLIED ACTIVITIES, a series of specific exercises starting from a simple and specific activity building an understanding of 'really doing'. Each step introduces additional elements building on previous exercises to help and encourage actors to establish deeper connection with their acting partners including establishing relationships.
Module 3 - Advanced Level: EMOTIONAL PREPARATION
Advanced study sessions run over 10 weeks, increased to two 3.5 hour classes per week plus additional Zoom sessions and self-directed study as required.
This module introduces the actor to a progressives series of exercises, incorporating all of the previous elements, to enable the actor to access their own truthful emotional input. Starting from a simple emotional daydream and imagination exercises, graduating to more complex relationship-based exercises designed to develop actors that are emotionally deep. The flow and fluidity of emotions is the mark of the well-trained Meisner actor, who understands that inner life must ebb and flow from moment to moment.
Module 4 - Advanced Text & Scene Study
Meisner recognised that all the previous exercises are of no value if they cannot be fully applied to script and scene work. Meisner developed a specific approach to text and scene analysis that allows the actor to fully OWN the work, enabling them to be authentic bringing their own truth into a performance. Scene work and performance is the culmination of bringing the trained Meisner actor to a state of truthful acting rooted firmly in the fundamental of human living & experience as well as teaching an actor how to interpret a script, break it down and create a character.